
The country that gave us Freud, Mozart, strudel and more, Austria is a country steeped in history. A major player in European affairs until its defeat in WW1, the country has slowly gotten back on its feet and is now one of the richest countries in the world with one of the highest standards of living.

Austria’s economy has a large service and reliable industrial sector with a strong agricultural industry. Electricity is mainly supplied by hydroelectric power, with support from renewable sources such as wind, solar and biomass. The need for more sources of renewable energy to lower gas and oil power plant reliance is paramount and will require supplemental power as facilities are built or upgraded.

Areas or industries that may require interim power solutions:

      • Power Supply Industry
      • Agriculture Industry

Altaaqa Global can deliver temporary turnkey power plants to supply power to Austria’s industries. With available 20 MW to 100 MW temporary power plants that can run on natural gas or use dual fuel technology, Austria is assured that clean energy to support renewable energy is maintained.

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