
Kazakhstan is located in Central Asia and was the last to declare independence when the Soviet Union dissolved in 1991. The country is ethnically and culturally diverse, owing to the influx of ethnic groups for decades. Blessed with a stable economy, Kazakhstan is the first former Soviet Republic to have paid its debt to the IMF seven years ahead of the deadline.

Oil, minerals and other small sectors make up Kazakhstan’s economy. The country has huge deposits of oil and natural gas, along with abundant minerals and metals. The country is currently aggressively pursuing other sectors, primarily because it is landlocked. One challenge, however, is that Kazakhstan is currently suffering from inadequate regional power supply. In light of this, steps are being taken to supply the citizens with the necessary gas and electricity. Infrastructure is needed to help speed up distribution.

Areas or industries that require temporary power plants:

      • Energy Industry
      • Oil Industry
      • Mining Industry

Altaaqa Global is ready to help Kazakhstan in its effort to build the necessary infrastructure by supplying temporary power plants. As energy facilities are built or upgraded, available 20 MW to 100 MW temporary power plants can help provide backup electricity as needed. Power solutions are also part of the package to help Kazakhstan provide electricity to its industries and citizens.

Want to know more? Visit our website at http://www.altaaqaglobal.com

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