
For hundreds of years, Japan isolated itself from the West. After the Second World War, the country blossomed into what it is today: A vibrant and technologically-advanced country that successfully integrated Japanese and Western pop culture and made it its own. A major economic power in Asia, Japan has a very high standard of living, and its people enjoy one of the highest life expectancy in the world.

High industrialization and strong work ethics combine to give Japan one of the world’s largest economies. Constant advancements in technology have given Japan the edge when it comes to vehicles, electronics, machines and processed foods, to name a few. However, the country has not been spared by natural disasters. Earthquakes have occurred and have devastated certain areas, most recently in 2011. Rebuilding of infrastructure is currently underway.

Areas or industries that require temporary power plants:

      • Construction Industry

As Japan rebuilds the areas affected by the earthquake in 2011, the government has announced the closing of nuclear powered plants. As such, building of new power plants are being fast tracked. Altaaqa Global can supply the needed electricity with its temporary power plants as facilities are built. The latest 20 MW to 100 MW temporary power plants with power solutions are available to help Japan in its rebuilding effort.

Want to know more? Visit our website at http://www.altaaqaglobal.com

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